You don’t have to be an Olympic swimmer to get water in your ear. Many kinds of water exposure can lead to a few drops of water trapped in your ear. You’ll likely know when it happens, as it usually feels like a little pressure or a tickle in your ear. You may notice a change in your hearing, as well.
The water usually finds its way out, and you’ll feel an immediate sense of relief. However, a few stubborn drops can become trapped. At the very least, it’s an annoyance, but at its worst, water trapped in the ear can lead to an infection known as a swimmer’s ear.
Whether you swim laps in the pool every day or like to spend a few summer days splashing in the ocean, it is essential to know how to protect your ears from water intrusion. Scroll down to learn more.

The Consequences of Getting Water in Your Ear: Is It Dangerous?
Getting water in your ears is typically harmless if it finds its way out. However, it can lead to bacterial or fungal infections when it becomes trapped. The good news is that swimmer’s ear, formally known as otitis externa, is relatively easy to treat.
A healthcare professional determines whether the infection is bacterial or fungal and prescribes antibiotics or antifungal medication to remedy the issue quickly. In rare cases, or if left untreated, the infection can spread, or you can experience permanent hearing loss.
The most common signs of swimmers ear include:
A blocked or full sensation
Hearing loss
Swollen lymph nodes
Swelling around the ear
If you notice any of the symptoms, contact your healthcare provider.
How to Get Water Out of Your Ear
Luckily, removing water from your ear isn’t too challenging. A few simple tricks can help you remove the trapped water if it doesn’t come out easily. Try taking the steps below the next time you feel a few drops hanging around inside your ear.

Tilt and Tug
The simplest (and fastest) way to remove water stuck in your ear is to tilt your head and give your ear a little tug. Switch the position of your head and gently pull on your earlobe. This helps move the water around your ear canal and can be just the trick you need to release it.
If this doesn’t work, try tilting your head again. However, cup your palm around your ear this time to make a seal. This method creates a gentle vacuum around your ear. Move your hand back and forth, and you should feel the water drain from your ear.

Use a Hair Dryer
If you can’t remove the water in your ear, the next best thing is trying to dry it out. In this case, a hair dryer becomes a very handy tool. Be sure to use the lowest and coolest setting on your hair dryer – this prevents causing any further irritation to the sensitive skin around your ear.
Ensure you maintain a safe distance between the hair dryer and your ear – a few inches should do the trick. As you blow cool air into your ear, tug gently on your earlobe. As you move the dryer back and forth, you should notice a difference in the pressure and sound in your ear, which indicates the water is gone.

Try Olive Oil
Believe it or not, a bit of warm olive oil can be the secret to pulling the water from your ear. This method is simple and convenient, especially since most people have olive oil readily available in their homes.
Place a few drops of warm (not hot) oil directly into your ear. Then, lie down on one side for a few minutes. When you sit back up, tilt your head and let the oil drip out your ear. It should take the water out with it and provide some relief.

Move Your Jaw
Motions such as yawning or chewing can help water move out of your ear canal. Because your jaw affects the pressure and movement within your ear, exaggerated movements of your mouth create enough movement within your ear and remove any excess water.

Take it Easy
Sometimes, you just have to let gravity do its job. Lying down is one of the easiest ways to get water out of your ear. Rest on the side with water in your ear. Then, wait a few minutes to see if it comes out on its own.
At some point, everyone gets water stuck in their ear. While this is usually harmless, trying to extract the water is essential so it doesn’t lead to any further issues. Fortunately, there are many ways to remove water trapped in your ear. If you notice any persistent symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor.