Easter is just around the corner, and this year, why not mix fun and fitness by organizing an egg hunt that will help you and your family members work off all those chocolate eggs? These special times of the year when loved ones get to together are a prime opportunity to encourage relatives to put their fitness first. So, for some food for thought, so to speak, here's how to energise your Easter to burn off excess calories whilst having an egg-cellent family gathering.

Egg-cellent Games For Family Gatherings
When you get together with loved ones this Easter, there's nothing better than taking part in group games. Not only will it entertain little ones and make this day a memorable occasion, but it's also going to help you develop hand-eye coordination and team-building skills and keep your step count up.

Egg Reley Race
This is one of the best ways to strengthen bonds between different generations within a family. Since the activity itself isn't high-impact, it is ideal for those in their golden years. Grandparents and grandchildren can work together, cheering each other on as the battle begins to find out who can carefully balance an egg on a spoon and reach the other side without it breaking on the floor.
The family gathering egg relay race is best done outside in the backyard to avoid any unwanted mess on wooden floors or carpets. Once one member of a team has reached the other side successfully, they must transfer the egg to the other person's spoon so that the relay race can continue.

Energetic Easter Egg Hunt
While hunting for chocolate eggs is one of the highlights of this special day, we want you to turn this up a notch this year in the name of burning excess calories. Rather than follow a series of clues to find sweet treats hidden around the home and garden, shake things up at Easter and turn the hunt into a family gathering race.
Rather than a 'clue' to find the next location, ask the seekers to complete a physical activity, such as doing 10 jumping jacks or running on the spot for 30 seconds. Only when they complete the physical task will the real clue be revealed. Then rather than sweet treats, consider Easter-themed gifts such as a toy bunny, a book about rabbits, a bottle of carrot juice, and a colouring book with an Easter theme. This will help minimise the whole family's chocolate egg calorie intake without compromising on the excitement and celebrations.
Like most things in life, a little bit of what you fancy will do you a world of good, so one chocolate egg is ideal, but try to refrain from buying a whole stack of sweet treats. As this will only encourage snacking in the days to come on chocolate and candy.

Break A Sweat With A Bunny Dance
To celebrate the Easter Bunny's arrival and to burn off those extra calories you'll likely indulge in this Easter, it's time to master the bunny dance. Hop, jump and dance your way to health this Easter by acting like the Easter Bunny himself. This is a fun and exciting way to entertain kids at Easter, and you can even find bunny dance videos online to guide you through the key moves.

Bunny Hop Relay Race
Another fun Easter game you can play to help you stay active on this chocolate-fueled celebration is 'Bunny Hop Relay'. Ask each family member to compete in a race by hopping on one leg from one end of the garden to the other and then back again. This game is guaranteed to get everyone active and laughing all at once. Combine this with a 'bunny' fancy dress competition, and you won't even realise how many calories you've burnt.

Easter Carrot Strength Challenge
If Easter egg hunts aren't you're thing, why not see who in your family is strong, kids included, why not try the Easter carrot strength challenge? Start by asking those who want to play to stand in a line, holding a basket or bucket out in front of them with one arm. Now as the game master, add a carrot to each basket. Continue adding carrots, one by one, until the basket becomes too heavy to continue to lift. If the game seems too easy, ask each contestant to switch from standing to one leg, like a frozen hop. This should get some arms starting to shake. If you can't stay balanced and put your foot down, you lose. If you put down your arms, you lose. It's a classic game of last one standing, or should we same' last bunny standing.
See how easy it can be to incorporate physical games into key celebrations and family gatherings! Whether you’re planning on hosting a fun-fueled healthy Easter egg hunt or a bunny dance-off at home, we hope you have a fantastic Easter this year! For feel-good easy-to-use exercise equipment for your home, why not explore our online collection here?