❓What is the weight capacity?
Its weight capacity is objectively 220 lbs, but a 240lb user has no issues.
❓Is this treadmill easy to store? Can this be stored vertically?
The treadmill is foldable and can be conveniently stored under your bed or couch. And yes, it can also be easily stored against the wall vertically.
For your reference, the folded dimension measures 5.5 x 24.8 x 53.7 inches, with a height of 5.5 inches when folded.
❓Is it lightweight enough to transport easily?
Moving from room to room should not be an issue, but carrying it up and down stairs may require other's help.
❓Does the treadmill have an incline, or is it level?
It is level, no incline.
❓Where is the “speed” button for remote pairing?
The speed can be adjusted using the “+” and “-” keys. By pressing the “play” button or triangle, it will initiate at a speed of 0.5 mph.